Page 111 in JM - Annual Report 2011

JM ’ S PROPERTIES 107 PROJECT PROPERTIES RENTABLE SPACE, BY CATEGORY Residential 9 % Retail 0 % Garage 1% Office 44% Healthcare accomodation 5 % Other* 41 % * Warehouse, industry Rental space, m2 (including garage) Residential properties (leasehold) Properties under development Fully developed project properties Greater Stockholm Rest of Sweden International Total 7,110 7,110 65,915 65,915 427 3,948 4,375 RESIDENTIAL PROPERTIES (LEASEHOLD) No. Property Total Tax year rentable space Age 2011 Rentable space, by category Revenue 2011 Rental revenue by category Major tenants Municipality Address Description Construction year Tax value Renovation year Hotel Office Retail m2 m2 Housing Rental revenue Other Garage m2 SEKm Hotel/Offices Retail Housing Other/Garage % SEKm 1 Gästabudet 1959 61.0 7,110 Nälsta Residential property 0 0 0 7,110 0 0 7.3 0 0 100.00 0 PROPERTIES UNDER DEVELOPMENT No. Property Age Total rentable space Rentable space, by category Rental revenue 2011 Rental revenue by category Development Municipality Address Description Construction year Renovation year Hotel Office Retail m2 m2 Housing Other Garage m2 SEKm Hotel/Offices Retail Housing Other/Garage % Description Major tenants 2 Haifa 1 1962 3,749 Frihamnen Office/warehouse 3 Kallhäll 1:22 0 2,500 0 0 2,794 0 0 24,248 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,249 0 0 13,599 730 0 16,542 0 575 0 0 3,678 0 0 3.4 1907 17,123 12.0 Järfälla Fabriksvägen Light industry 4 Dalénum Lidingö Södra Kungsvägen Office, etc. 5 LSS Sjövikshöjden 1912–1960 2009 40,790 41.6 2012 575 0 Liljeholmen Sheltered housing 6 Dalénum senior housing 2012 3,678 0 Lidingö Residential care facility and healthcare accommodation 0 0 0 100 16 0 0 84 58 0 42 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Development of offices and industry Haglöfs, Friskis & Svettis, and others Development of offices AGA Bring Recco, and others JM ANNUAL REPORT 2011

Page 110 - 106 JM ’ S PROPERTIES SWEDEN (CONTINUED) Property/project Municipality Country Location   Page 112 - 108 JM ’ S PROPERTIES FULLY DEVELOPED PROJECT PROPERTIES No. Property Total Tax  
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